Merge Multiple Conversations From One Customer
Merging conversations is a critical feature in Richpanel that allows support agents to streamline communication by combining related customer interactions into a single thread.
- You can only merge conversations belonging to a single customer profile
- If you have more than 2 conversations to merge, you'll need to merge one at a time
- Once you merge, there's no going back!
Steps to Merge Conversations
Step 1: Select the Primary Conversation
Identify the primary conversation to which you want to merge another conversation. The primary conversation will remain active, and the secondary conversation’s messages will be merged into it.
Step 2: Open Conversation Actions
Within the primary conversation, locate the Conversation Actions Header. This area contains various actions you can perform on the current conversation, such as adding tags, blacklisting, or closing the conversation. Choose Merge Option.
Step 3: Select the Secondary Conversation
After choosing to merge, you will be prompted to select the secondary conversation. This is the conversation that will be merged into the primary conversation and will no longer exist independently after the merge.
Step 4: Confirm the Merge
Once you have selected the secondary conversation, select other options like Channel, Status and Assignee. Confirm the action. The system may ask for confirmation to ensure the correct conversations are being merged.
Step 5: Review the Merged Conversation
After the merge is complete, review the primary conversation to ensure all messages from the secondary conversation have been correctly incorporated. The conversation thread should now contain a continuous flow of messages from both original conversations.