Status 1
Setting up business hours in Richpanel ensures that your customers know when your team is available to respond. This feature helps manage customer expectations regarding response times and enhances your service experience.
You must have admin access on Richpanel.
Ensure you have selected the correct brand for which you want to set up business hours if you manage multiple brands.
Steps to Set up Business Hours
Step 1: Accessing Settings
- Log in to your Richpanel account.
- Click the "Settings" icon located in the bottom left corner.
Step 2: Selecting Brands
- Within "Account Settings," Click on "Business Hours."
- Select the brand for which you want to configure business hours.
Step 3: Configuring Business Hours
- You will see options to configure your business hours for each day of the week.
- For each day, you can select whether your team is available or not. If available, set the start and end times for that day.
- If your support hours vary across different days, repeat the process for each day by adjusting the start and end times accordingly.
- Click the "Save" button at the top right hand corner of the page to implement your business hours settings.
Configuring business hours not only helps in managing your team's workload but also improves customer satisfaction by providing transparency about your service availability.